Become the leader you are meant to be.

Temenos Mastery is an online programme offering a journey of personal evolution.

It equips leaders to become the insightful catalyst needed to transform team performance and culture.

By evolving your habits of mind, feeling and relating, you will learn to break through the stuckness that limits your potential for creating excellence.

You'll be learning to become the leader that you were were always meant to be.

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The Temenos Mastery Programme

  A resource for leaders, teams and culture transformation

The core teaching will take place via:

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Engaging Videos

Simple, clear inputs that catalyse how you perceive, think and relate as a leadership agent of transformation.

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Guided Practices

Practical exercises that have an immediate effect on how you feel and how you interact with those you lead.

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1:1 Guidance

You have the option of one to one coaching calls if you need them, to accelerate your growth through particular challenges.

"In these troubled, uncertain times, we don't need more command and control... we need better means to engage everyone's intelligence in solving challenges as they arise."

 Margaret Wheatley

John Dickson, creator of Temenos Mastery,  shares some campfire wisdom.


"They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel."

Carl Buechner

Now is the time to grow your personal leadership

Many companies invest in employee engagement, but if leaders are still disconnected from their people and their reality, they'll be unable to catalyse conversations that really shifts how teams think, work and perform together.

Temenos is for leaders who wish to grow. To evolve how they see, think and relate to the people and the life that surrounds them.

They will likely be looking for insights and tools for having greater transformational impact, making a bigger difference and leaving a better, more inspiring legacy.

This programme is not about teaching you to appear nicer or being stricter. Nor is it about being better at masking your inner frustrations and anxieties.

Instead, it offers the chance to transform those inner states, so that it becomes easier to connect authentically with those around you, without the fog of self-doubt, worry or reactivity undermining your best intentions.

Temenos will subtly adjust the way that your mind works, helping to shift how you experience the ups and downs of leading and to break out of the habit-patterns that limit your true potential.

"The greatest people that have ever been in society were never versions of someone else. They were themselves."

Neil deGrasse Tyson

Make it a team journey

Why keep the benefits of this programme to yourself?

If the perception and brand of your team depends on how well your people represent it, consider how it may help if they were to be more inter-personally effective, demonstrating greater leadership bandwidth and gravity. 

Are team members connected as well as they need to be? Are some relationships too 'distant' to enable the collective genius of the team to be fully leveraged?  It's amazing how much better individuals perform when they know that the whole team is behind them. And if everyone feels that, what might the collective be able to achieve that right now, seems out of reach?

Our experience is that team turnarounds can happen quickly when the right vibe has been created and the right questions are explored.

Also, people tend to grow faster when they belong to a focused community of learning. Using the Temenos programme as a shared development experience could well uplift the performance of the whole team. And likely to increase the team's contribution and value to the business.

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"Culture and the way teams work are expressions of the leader's way of regulating their emotions"

Kets de Vries

"When we listen, our attention offers an opportunity for greater wholeness.

It is often through the quality of our listening and not the wisdom of our words that we are able to effect the most profound changes in people."

Rachel Naomi Remen

The master map for this programme

It may not be enough to know the  direction in which you want to go. Often we need a map to make sense of where we are in relation to where we are going and to appreciate what lies in between. The Temenos map outlines the 4 territories that this developmental journey will address.

It begins with Self Mastery, because the leader's ability to self regulate is key to cultivating a personal leadership brand that is engaging and that creates a vibe that feels psychologically safe. Mastery is also required to move beyond the inner electric fence that keeps us stuck in habits of being that undermine our relational effectiveness.

Leadership explores the application of mastery to the preservation of the mental and emotional bandwidth needed to succeed as an effective host of team process. This means being able to model the behaviours required to be engaging, connective and co-creative. Others can then experience and replicate the norms, values and standards expected from those on the team.

Great Teams are usually a product of great leaders. Here we apply both mastery and leadership to help teams to function more in a state of Flow. This is where the team operates at its best with or without the leader's presence. Staying true to its purpose, values and sustaining a level of authentic connection between team members that fosters the safety and creative innovation needed to excel.

As more teams function in this way, a culture emerges that possesses the qualities associated with peak performing organisations.

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Before embarking on this journey, you may have some very important questions.

"Awareness is curative."

Maura Sills

Once we become aware of how something really is, it awakens a force within us that seeks a resolution.

Temenos is not just about helping people to transcend obstacles, its about teaching a way of being that makes it easier to transform realities.